Saturday, November 24, 2007

Candy, Candy, Candy

So today we had a shower for my brother's wife Ashley--their baby Samuel was born on September 30th and they were here from Connecticut for Thanksgiving. He is such a darling boy, and very mellow. Two weeks ago I was at a baby shower for my cousin's wife who will have twin girls and they had the neatest candy bar with pink, green, and white candies. The first time I saw anything like this was at my cute cousin Katie's wedding reception and when I saw it with a baby theme, I knew I had to copy it! After many trips to various stores to find the right kinds of candies in various shades of green, yellow, white, and blue and glass containers of all sizes (the dollar store and the For Every Body warehouse in Lindon are great for cute, cheap containers), I created quite the cute candy bar if I do say so myself. We even had little footprint tags to seal up the bags. The only downside (if you can call it a downside) is that we have so much candy left over and not another shower in the near future, so we might be having a selection of sour apples, laffy taffy, life savers, caramel apple sugar babies, jelly bellies, sour apple rings, York peppermint pattties, lemonheads, buttermints, and hershey kishes for the next few days. I think I can live with that. Remember how I said I'm not a very good dietitian? This is one of the many reasons--I love candy!


  1. Lisa! I am sorry I couldn't make it to the shower. I ended up giving a shower for my niece and needed to get ready for it! The candy bar looks yummy! I am a sucker for candy!

  2. Oh, wow! I call that heaven. I tried to click on the picture to make it bigger (so I could get a better look at all the candies), but it wouldn't let me do it. Oh, well. What a great idea! I'll have to put that one in my memory bank for future parties.

  3. Glad you liked the candy bar, it was really fun and yummy.

    Jen--We missed you at the shower, but that's fun that you got to do a shower for your niece.

    Sara--I added the photo in the large size, so you can click on it now and it gets bigger. My photography skills aren't great--so it might get blurrier too :).

  4. Thanks!! I love it! I'm going to have to do that.


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