Sunday, November 18, 2007

Chance's Birthday 2007

Yesterday we went to Hogle Zoo to remember Chance's birthday. We've made it a tradition to let balloons off on his birthday in his memory. In 2005 and 2006 we did it at the cemetary, but this year Megan decided it would be good to do it somewhere that our kids could play and have fun. Chance loved the zoo! We laughed as we remembered his antics, particularly the time he snuck into the giraffe enclosure in a matter of two seconds flat. Lucky for him (and the giraffes!) Lauren was close enough to snag him before he got too far. This year we saw that there is a new, kid-proof fence surrounding the giraffes to protect them from such curious little ones. He was one energetic little guy and it was fun for us to spend the day at a place that he loved to be. His cousins Olivia, Abi, Coleman, Tayden, and Evan let the balloons go. The younger cousins that were there (Brady, Eliza, and Jonah) will get their turn in years to come.

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