Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Olivia's List of Thankful Things

Olivia made a list of the things she is thankful for:
1. Family
2. World
3. Jesus
4. Friends
5. Food
6. House
7. Trees
8. Pet (we don't have one, she's hoping!!!)
9. Money
10. Teachers
11. Me
12. Sun
13. Water
14. Brother (Coleman :))
15. Freedom
16. Thanksgiving
17. Grandmas
18. Grandpas
19. Aunts
20. Uncles


  1. You're kid is a lot more centered than mine. Here's what JP had me put in the thankful turkey yesterday, "I am thankful for nindras (ninja turtles), astronauts, and bad guys".

  2. It saddens me to see that uncles are listed at #20. I thought we would have been higher than that :)


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