Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas Books

Do you love Christmas books as much as I do? When we first got married a woman that I really admired told me of her family's holiday tradition--each Christmas they would purchase a new book for their family. We decided (okay, I told Ryan we were doing it and he agreed :)) that we'd like to do that also. Some years we've gotten great books--other years have been just so-so, but we are slowly building a library of Christmas books to read with each other and our children. I'm going to share a few of my favorites--in no particular order, except for the one pictured above. The book Red Ranger Came Calling by Berkeley Breathed is hands-down my favorite non-religious Christmas book. My buddy Kyle introduced it to me our senior year of college and it's been a favorite ever since. The illustrations are amazing, the writing is intelligent and witty and hilarious, and the story is a good one about believing in Santa and understanding the true meaning of Christmas. Each time we read it, Ryan and I laugh out loud. In some places I start laughing way before the funny parts, just because I know they are coming. You are in luck too, because for several years, this book was out of print, but now is available for the low, low price of only $7.99 on Amazon.com. I strongly recommend this book for kids young and old!

Others that we love:

The Tale of Three Trees (retold by Angela Elwell Hunt, illustrated by Tim Jonke)
I Believe in Santa Claus (Diane Adamson and M. Chad Randall)
The Polar Express (Chris Van Allsburg)
The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey (Susan Wojciechowski, illustrated by PJ Lynch)
Christmas Oranges (Linda Bethers, illustrated by Ben Soward)
A Christmas Dress for Ellen (Thomas S. Monson, illustrated by Ben Soward)
The Light of Christmas (Richard Paul Evans, illustrated by Daniel Craig)
The Night Before Christmas (Clement C. Moore, illustrated by Mary Engelbreit)
Christmas Day in the Morning (Pearl S. Buck, illustrated by Mark Buehner)
The Littlest Angel (Charles Tazwell, illustrated by Paul Micich)
Snowmen at Christmas (Caralyn Buehner, illustrated by Mark Buehner)
New this year: Queen of Christmas (Mary Engelbreit)

What Christmas books do you love?


  1. Dear Lisa,

    I have a Google Alert on the phrase "Christmas Oranges" and today I received an alert with your blog about your favorite Christmas books. I just wanted to thank you for including Christmas Oranges on your list. What a nice compliment for Ben and me.

    Linda Bethers

  2. Lisa, I love The Red Ranger! Mother in law gave him to us and he's such a delight. His little red puckered up face makes me laugh hysterically. One of my favorite quotes from it is: "If a dog can look unamused, she did". As she's floating to the ceiling! We have the same tradition. I wrap them all and we open one each night until Christmas, as a sort of advent calendar. I am also guilty of buying many more than one each year. My goal is one special one per child per year, but then book orders do me in and all is lost. A Christmas Dress for Ellen is my all time fave, but we own many of the same ones you do. In fact, I posted about it on our blog about a week ago. It lists our new ones for this year that are so delightful. Thanks for the cookies , too. WOW were they good. I took the plate to IKEA last night and allowed myself one cookie per stoplight. Or stop sign. Or streetlight. Or car in front of me. Or person I saw on the side of the road. Anyway, thanks!


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