Friday, December 21, 2007

My Favorite Christmas Gift

I love giving gifts. In my family, we draw names (so as to not have to buy for 7 siblings and their families) and this year I got to give to my youngest sister Lindsey. She just had her first baby and they just moved into their first home, so when she said she'd love something for her house, I got very excited! Ryan did a photo shoot with their family several weeks ago, and I think we put together a really neat gift--since we won't see her on Christmas, I got to give it to her a few days ago when her sweet baby Jonah stayed with us for a couple of hours. I am sure this is the favorite gift I gave (or will give) this year and she loved it too. How could we go wrong with such a precious baby photo?


  1. Lisa -

    I love your blog!! Thank you for continuing to send my family a Christmas letter and photos. It has been so fun to see how you and Ryan's family have grown. You and I have never met, but I know Ryan from high school. Say hello to him for me?

    I haven't gotten to our Christmas letter this year, but please know how much I enjoy reading yours. Merry Christmas to the Harper family!

    Angie (Young) Perry

  2. Wow, I would LOVE to receive a gift like that. Those glass block things are amazing, and I've now seen a few. Where to buy???

    Love the new blog look too! Merry Christmas (late)!


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