Sunday, January 13, 2008

My Favorite Things

Ryan was so good to me this Christmas--and today I wanted to show a few of the fun things he did for me. I've posted before that Ryan was blessed to go on a Masters Photography tour in Egypt with his dad last spring. For Christmas he put together some absolutely amazing photos for me... the one of the obelisk in Luxor is huge and is in our family room, with the collage next to it. Ryan has a lot of talent, and the way he captured these very cool places and artifacts in Egypt was amazing. I particularly love the lighting in the obelisk photo. We are so grateful to Ryan's dad for taking him along! It was an experience of a lifetime.

I also loved some photos he took at a spice market. The red chiles and spices are so colorful and he used his macro lens to capture the different textures. The bright blue is indigo--which they actually use not as a dye, but as a cleaning agent. Go figure! These two are hanging in our kitchen.

His other gift (a complete surprise!) was a gift certificate to a spa! I promise to post on that after I go to be pampered and rubbed this weekend.


  1. Wow! those pictures are amazing. I never got to see any pictures from their trip. That's way awesome on the spa!! you'll feel like a new's amazing and oh so relaxing! let me know how your experience is. have fun =)

  2. These are beautiful! Thanks for posting, Lisa.

  3. oooooh I love it! Especially the spices in bags.

  4. WOW Ryan. You have talents of which I did not know! Those are beautiful. I would love to have pictures of a spice market up in my kitchen. What a great eye for an interesting picture he has. Lisa, I think I will hit Troy up for a date this weekend to Dan in Real Life. We passed the dollar theater last weekend and saw that it was there. I plan to love it. Have you seen the edited version of 40 YEar old virgin? It came on a few weeks ago. Good thing it was edited, because holy cow was there a lot of swearing. You could tell what they were saying, of course, even though they were only mouthing it. But funny nonetheless.

  5. Ry did a little research on the indigo thing--multiple people in Egypt told them that it was used to clean, like in the wash. There is nothing written about that on the whole internet though, it's just used as a dye. He surmised that the Egyptians thought Americans were asking if indigo makes you "die" and so they made the connection with clothing and wash, so why not say "clean". Anyway, we are pretty sure that indigo is NOT used for to clean anything, just to dye stuff blue.

  6. Absolutely beautiful pictures! I'm very impressed. Great job, Ryan! thanks for posting these, Lisa... I've been wanting to see some of his pics for a long time. :)


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