Monday, February 18, 2008

Post Valentine's Joy

Apparently from my last post it sounded like 2008 was my first and only great Valentine's Day, but that is so not the case... Ryan has always gone out of his way to make holidays special, and Valentine's Day is no exception. The best thing about Ry though is that he does things throughout the year, not just on holidays to show he loves me--and not just gifts and flowers and stuff like that, but he does dishes and gives me nights off and rubs my feet and my back and folds laundry and cooks and cleans toilets and plays with the kids all the time. He's so good to me always. The day after Valentine's Day he was at it again, doing some shopping at Costco on his way home (love Costco!) and picked up these beautiful roses for me. They had a plethora left over so they were a great price (can I take credit for Ryan becoming a bargain shopper, or did he have that quality before?) and he "couldn't resist". I know I say it all the time... but I am lucky (and grateful). And for the record, dark chocolate Dove hearts rock my world, but if milk chocolate is the only chocolate around, I don't turn it down.
On Saturday Coleman and I got to go to an open house birthday celebration for my great-Uncle Lynn. He is my Grandma Cole's brother and he just turned 90! In the picture above (starting at left) is Aunt Erma, Grandpa Cole, Grandma, Uncle Lynn, me, and a less-than thrilled Coleman (but he was a trooper and kept asking "how many more people are we going to meet, Mom?"). It was fun to visit with some family members and friends that we haven't seen in a long time. Happy Birthday Uncle Lynn!


  1. Wow, lucky you! Costco roses are THE best; so glad Ryan's a bargain shopper!

  2. what a sweet hubby =) him and tim are def. brothers!

  3. Wow! Coleman looks incredibly old in that picture. Has it been that long since we've seen you??


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