Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sledding Frenzy

Ryan and I decided to turn in our bad parent card and FINALLY take the kids sledding. Olivia and Coleman reminded us woefully that they had never, ever been sledding so when my mom invited us to go with her last weekend, we joyfully accepted. We went to Churchill Jr. High and the snow was pretty good, although a little slushy--it was a perfect sledding day, sunny and warm. As the pictures show, we all had a wonderful time--until the end when Olivia and I crashed pretty hard and I landed on top of her face (ouch!) and left a nice pinkish bruise on her cheek and gave the poor girl a bloody nose. Hopefully she'll want to go sledding again--and hopefully Child Protective Services won't come after me. She kept telling me, "It's okay Mom, I know it was just an accident, but it really did hurt... a lot... and am I still bleeding?" As if I didn't feel badly enough already!


  1. What a fun time!! By the looks of it, you all had a blast! And how fun to have your Mom join the action. Ouch for Liv!! Guess it's an occupational hazard! It's tough being a kid!

  2. That's a great picture of your mom! I love that she does fun stuff like that! Luckily, my kids don't ask to go sledding yet....don't know what I'll tell them when they do.

  3. Ouch! that crash sounds pretty painful! been there done that! Lol. Cute pics! makes me wanna go sledding again! =)

  4. SO FUN! Sledding always makes me nervous cuz its so uncontrolled. But I will for sure take little Eliza when she's older =)

  5. wahoo! Those are such happy pictures, I'm glad you had fun. They might be nice to look at when we're steady 100 degrees in July! :o)

  6. Beautiful pictures and what a wonderful time.
    Saludos desde Chile.

  7. Fun! I need to go sledding! We haven't been yet this year.


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