Sunday, March 2, 2008

Olivia's Piano Recital (March)

Olivia was feeling a little nervous for this recital since she would be playing her songs ("Alouette" and "Russian Sailor Dance") all by herself (Ryan did a duet with her last time). So we held a formal dress rehearsal, and Olivia made these tickets (left) and a recital poster (right) to get ready for the big event.
Olivia with Grandma Stover (my mom) who came down for the recital. Liv was very glad she could come!

Here are Grandpa Gee Gee and Grandma Jan with Olivia. They brought her a bouquet of flowers and treated us all to ice cream at the BYU Creamery after the recital. It was so fun to see them!

I forgot to bring our camcorder, but our little camera takes video too, so we were able to record it. This is actually the second time around (after everyone left) because I had turned the camera to take video the vertical way, which doesn't rotate once you transfer it to the computer. Good thing Ryan was there to make sure we got a good recording! She did a great job and had both of her pieces memorized. Way to go Liv, we are proud of you!


  1. good job Livy! She's gettin good. =)

  2. That's so fun! It's great to see the video. Great job, Liv! Can't wait to see you play in person, but by then you may be charging for those tickets? :)

  3. Oh, she is just darling. How special for her!

  4. Bravo! You played beautifully and looked beautiful!!!

  5. Oh Liv, I loved it! Thanks for the video. The dress is great too.

  6. love the cursey, and she looks so beautiful! My parents had to record afterwards one of my dance recitals, can't remember the reason...

    I'm glad you posted the invite and the video, very fun to see!

  7. This was SO fun to see! Olivia, you did an awesome job!!! I was amazed that you even looked away from the piano and smiled at the audience. That is GREAT when you are so good you do not have to watch your fingers on the piano so much! I never could do that. Way to go!


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