Saturday, April 5, 2008

Easter 2008

One thing that was new this year was coloring eggs--we usually do it at my mom's house, but this year we did it at home. None of us like hard boiled eggs (although Coleman was dead set on trying one, he was sure he would love it--he's a pretty picky eater, so I was sure he would NOT love it, but we let him taste it anyway--he was not impressed!).
Not a usual Sunday activity, but Ryan thought it would be fun to take some pictures on the trampoline that we inherited from his parents when they moved (thank you, thank you!!) although I'm still hoping we get pads and a safety net for it before I'll feel a little safer having it. Love Liv's bouncy curls!

I love this picture of Cole studying his shadow.
Handsome dad and kiddoes.

**Did you do something special to teach your kiddoes about the real reason we celebrate Easter?
**Are you ready for sunshine???


  1. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

    I look forward to getting to know you and your family also. :)

  2. that's cute about Coleman and the eggs, funny guy! =) and Livy looks so pretty in her dress!

  3. very fun pictures!! Love the vibrant egg colors. Zach loves hard boiled eggs, but Peter is disgusted. (how could anyone want to eat a cooked egg.. COLD?)


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