Saturday, May 17, 2008

Giveaway Winners

Thanks to all who entered! I used a random number generator to pick the winners ( Congratulations to:

Shally and Gurrbonzo who each won a pack of cards.

Momma Fidler who won the vinyl quote by Gordon B. Hinckley.

hil'lesha who won a Name and "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" Quote.
And finally, to BenGerritsen (Jenn) who won a letter/name of choice.
Thanks to all for playing... I'll contact the winners so I can get you your prizes. Next time I have a creative streak I'll do another giveaway!


  1. You have no idea how excited my mom is!!!! That is the one thing she really wanted and she won it!!! You definitely made her day! :) Thanks Lisa!

  2. wooooooooohoooooooo! I win I win I win I win! Thank you Lisa, thank you, thank you internet, thank you everyone who made this possible...


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