Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Surprises

Flower delivery at my door at 8:30 pm (they tried earlier, but couldn't find our house--come on, we're on the grid system people!) from Lauren and her family. What a sweet way for them to say thanks for my going up there--although it wasn't necessary, Lauren knows how good it feels to get flowers and how very much I love calla lilies. Flowers make me smile :).

Early Mother's Day gift from Ryan--At our house we aren't very good at waiting to give gifts on the actual holiday--well, that's usually Ryan's MO, but for Mother's Day he gave me this beautiful picture of the Salt Lake Temple that he took last year and worked some magic on in Photoshop to make it look antiqued. This photo of it looks pretty good, but it's even more amazing in real life. What a great, personalized reminder of the place I love so much.

I am quite sure that we are the last family in the country to jump on the American Idol bandwagon this season. We have been hearing so much about David Archuleta and although we've been rooting for him in our own "we hope he wins" way, it took us until this week to actually tune in. His voice, his humility, and his smile are amazing. We are officially fans and hope David takes it next week.

**Do you ever give or get your presents early?
**Are you fans of David Archuleta too?


  1. I LOVE and seriously envy not just those flowers but also the gorgeous picture! I want one! I need photoshopping directions on how to do antiquing. How fun to get that early. My grandma always gives us presents early - like a month early, and it drives my mom nuts. So my mom is very strict about sticking to the actual day, and I kind of am now too. :) Happy Mother's Day!

  2. I am a stickler about the real day. But who am I to deny you joy? Take it when you can get it, I say. And if Troy were so excited about a gift for me that he couldn't stand to wait, then I would probably want it early, too!
    Our fam just started watching A.I. this season. We had never watched it before, although we're BIG "So You Think you Can Dance" fans. We do like our friend Archuleta, yes. Although we've never voted for him because we don't think he needs it. Our votes are going to Syesha, but once she's gone we'll move to Camp David. I think he'll win the whole thing anyway.

  3. Ryan is such a talented guy!! What a beautiful picture. We have a hard time in our house, too, of sticking to only giving presents on the actual day. I would like to be more strict...but I have a hard time waiting when I get so excited to give that "perfect" gift.
    We LOVE American Idol at our house and always have. We are still saddened over Brooke leaving. Although I don't think she was the best, we fell in love with her personality and genuineness. Anna gets really upset on each results show because she doesn't want anyone to leave...(except Jason Castro...I mean, come on!) :)

  4. okay, so I opened your blog and lucky for Lisa, she got that cool picture from the bookstore...then surprise!!! It's Ryans work! When I went to Latter-Day book yesterday, I saw a picture very similar to this one and thought "oh, I want that" if it was only $200 less!! Is Ryan interested in selling any work???? Beautiful flowers too! We are sooo not sticklers to the "day of" in our house. Before Scott and I had kids, I would buy my own gifts and then usually wear them before the big day and then tell Scott I needed something else! So fun. I try to keep surprises for the kids though. Builds the excitement!!

  5. What an incredible picture! Can Ryan do one of the Swiss temple for me? Tell him there are still two more days until Mother's Day. Plenty of time to get there, take the picture and make it look amazing. :) Happy Mother's Day!

  6. I love that picture.. It looks awesome.. It must be better in real life.

    We are huge American Idol fans, and last year was our first season. We are hooked. David is so cute. It saddens me all the crap they write about him in the paper. He is really a nice kid. I hope he wins it all !

  7. Well, I didn't even know who David Archuleta is? But now I do and he does have a beautiful voice. I guess I better watch the last few episodes and vote for him.

  8. What a great photo and to have it prepared and framed, what a guy. I'm glad Ryan know's how to be a great hubby! Happy Mother's Day!

  9. I love the flowers too! What a lucky girl you are :) As to American Idol (or AI as I call it) YES, I LOVE DAVID A. I also love DAVID C. but I am hoping Archuleta win's because he's from my hometown of Murray. I think he's super cute and really humble. I think it's hard to find that in Hollywood these days.

  10. That picture is awesome. I can't wait to see it in person. He should sell those, we would buy one.

  11. I love David! really! That song was awesome! Its so funny, but Eliza loves him too. She always gets so happy when he comes on the TV.


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