Friday, May 2, 2008

Our little graduate...

While many friends across the country are celebrating graduation from law school or defending PhD dissertations, we have our own little reason to celebrate. Coleman made it through his first year of preschool and has proudly mastered his ABCs, counting, writing his name, simple reading, and even some simple arithmetic. He is now thrilled to have his days completely open to fill with playing with his friends and jumping on the tramp and asking if he can just please play Lego Star Wars for just a little minute. His cute teacher is going to have a baby in a few days, so they got out a month earlier than most schools around here. We hope this little ceremony is a first of many graduations for Coleman!

Each of the kids memorized a nursery rhyme. Poor Coleman's mom needs some lessons on when to press record... so we unfortunately just got half of it, but you get the idea!


  1. What a cute boy. It would be so fun to meet him and his sister someday....

  2. awesome! Such a cutie and I love the cap. I can't wait for Zach's first graduation later this month. Does Coleman have another year before Kindergarten?

  3. Yep, he has another year... he turns five in September so he just misses the deadline. I keep getting assured that it will be GOOD for him to be the oldest in his class, and I'm sure it will. What about Zach?


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