Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Recipe for Walk To School Day Trail Mix

9 bags M&Ms (56 oz. each) = $70.92

20 boxes cereal (Golden Grahams, Trix, Kix) = $30.00

5 ginormous bags of pretzels (96.0 oz. each) = $19.45

20 bags of raisins (32 oz. per bag) = $69.90

7 boxes of Goldfish = $43.25

Baggies = 1, 000

Combined "Mom" hours to purchase, assemble, and distribute said Trail Mix = 15

Nights of forfeited sleep because of howling winds and rain beating on the windows hours before the big event = 1

Seeing so many smiles despite the rain and having a cute student with Down's Syndrome tell me, "You're the BEST!" after receiving his bag of trail mix = Priceless

**Have you ever made trail mix (or anything else?) for 1,000 people?


  1. 1000 people!!! No way..

    But I have changed over 1000 diapers...:)

  2. HOLY COW. I can't even fathom. Did you restrain yourself from partaking? I would have eated a TON myself!

  3. The elipse are meant to represent my awe and inner pause for admiration. You are incredible. How do you do it all?!

  4. Let me join in with the chorus. That's simply amazing. It looks pretty darn yummy and I'll bet the kids loved it.

  5. i love trail mix. The mix of sweet and salty. But in that quantity, woah. That is CRAZY!

  6. Wow! I have never done ANYTHING for 1000 people. I just can't fathom it.

    Did you give the snack to the kids after they got to school?


  7. It is a UT thing, why would you be doing such a task?

  8. You didn't have to pay for all of that, did you?!

  9. The PTA paid for it (thank goodness, it would have shot my grocery budget for the month!). We have a "Walk To School" day a couple of times a year to encourage kids to walk to school (not to insult anyone's intelligence!). We originally planned to give the trail mix to walkers only, but because of the huge downpour of rain, we gave it to anyone who would take it. I was mildly tempted by the trail mix in the very beginning, but after mixing and bagging and all of that, I didn't want to even look at it anymore:).

  10. Wow Lisa - that is unbelieveable! Trail mix for 1000! Great picture - made me want to jump into the computer and grab a handful. I just might have to make some this weekend.
    Can't believe how big our girls are getting - Chloe is now missing her top two teeth too!

  11. I second Matt's comment. Are you crazy? Nevertheless, it looks good!


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