Sunday, June 29, 2008

Great Day Ahead!

This was my fortune the morning of June 28, 2008, my 34th birthday, and it turned out to be a really great day! My fun has actually spanned several days...

On the 26th the kids and I went to lunch with Grandma Cole at my new favorite "fast food" joint, Noodles & Company (love the Japanese Pan Noodles). We love to hang out with Grandma! We got an ice cream cone before dropping her off at home and Coleman said, "Do you think we can get ice cream for MY birthday too?" I'm sure that can be arranged.

Friday night Ryan took me on a great date--he's really good at planning fun and creative things, and he put together a very complex and fun Choose Your Own Adventure date book. Both of us used to love the Choose Your Own Adventure Books (I can even remember writing my own in some creative writing class?!?) so this was a fun trip down memory lane.

Our first stop was for dessert--we went to Flour Girls & Dough Boys for an ice cream sandwich. I got the shortbread chocolate chip cookies with vanilla ice cream. Before Ryan took the picture I had already eaten half of the ice cream (it was huge!) because it was dripping all over the place and it was SOOO yummy. I love shortbread!

Ryan got a Snickerdoodle sandwich. We felt a little bit like we were shooting a Sonic commercial taking pictures of each other in the car, but it had to be documented!

The next stop was shopping for a new outfit. Ryan said "you have to get new clothes for your birthday, after all, I always do." Ryan doesn't love getting new clothes, but I do, so this was a fun thing for him to plan! I found a cute new outfit and tried on some shoes to go with it. These pink ones were cute...

...these blue ones were too, but neither pair was very comfortable or practical. As much as I love shoes and shopping, I still won't buy a pair of shoes unless it will go with most things that I own.

Our next stop was an activity and I chose to see "Get Smart" with Steve Carell and Anne Hathaway. We've been letting the kids watch the old tv reruns of this show that Ryan watched as a kid, and we've been dying to see the movie. I must say, it was hilarious and we laughed the whole way through (beware of some bum footage!). Good flick.

Our last stop for the evening was Pei Wei for my favorite Honey Seared Chicken with brown rice. I could eat it over and over and over again.

The next morning I got to sleep in and Ryan made my favorite orange julius and cinnamon toast for breakfast. Liv made a sweet card for me....

...and my family made me feel great. I loved spending my birthday with them.

We went to Lowe's and picked up some Russian Sage plants for along the back fence. We just got some great landscaping rocks from our friends, so we are slowly but surely getting the backyard to look pretty.

Then we went to Costco to pick up my "birthday cake"--their famous Key Lime Pie. It's just around during the summer months, so I'm glad to have a summer birthday. This stuff is so good!

Later in the afternoon we went to my mom's house for a BBQ and some pool fun with my family. We had a great time and lots of good food!

Combine all of that with lots of cards and calls and birthday wishes from friends and family, it was a great day, indeed!

Some of Coleman's Quips lately:

"There sure are a lot of instruction workers" (referring to all of the construction workers in our neighborhood).

"I know why they are called landscaping rocks, it's cause they're rocks and they are trying to escape the land!"

"Do you want to watch the Merit Badge Trap?" (the movie "Parent Trap").

"What does it defeat, and for how long?" (when we picked up some Round-Up at Lowe's).

**Did you read Choose Your Own Adventure books?
**Do you love Noodles & Company, Flour Girls & Dough Boys, Steve Carell, Pei Wei, or Costco Key Lime Pie?
**Shouldn't EVERYONE get clothes for their birthday?
**Do you ever buy shoes for just one outfit?
**Have you ever seen Russian Sage?
**Did you make it to the end of this long, long post, or did I lose you with my fortune cookie?


  1. Happy Birthday! I'm so glad you had such a great day! You deserve it! Those ice cream sandwiches look yummy! I'll have to look into those :) And yes, I think everyone should get clothes for their birthday!

  2. Happy(belated)Birthday! sounds like a very fun day you had! I have never heard of Flour Girls & Dough boys, but I have a feeling I'm gonna love it! aren't birthdays lots of fun! You're awesome! =)

  3. Ryan naturally creative, thoughtful, and sweet, or did you train him?? Is there hope for my hubby?? Your whole house just oozes fun and love!! Happy Birthday :o)

  4. WOW Ryan has his game on. You are so very lucky.

    Oh YES YES YES I buy shoes for just one outfit! It's so much fun, and so freeing that way.

    As for Costco's key lime pie, I've never tried it, but I love a tart finish at the end of my meals. Often I prefer that to chocolate. Something tart, I mean, like lime or lemon. You simply must try the pink grapefruit gelato from Harmons.

    Happy Birthday! I'm so glad it was great.

  5. Happy Birthday Lisa! It sounds like you had a great day! You are so lucky to have such a wonderful family!

    I LOVED the Choose Your Own Adventure books! I would read through them at least four times picking out new adventures!

    I think everyone should get clothes for their b-day.

    I haven't tried the Costco Pie but I will after seeing your post! I think it might be my new pregnancy craving!

  6. Happy Birthday Lisa! It all sounded wonderful!

  7. Happy Birthday! I did read those books and think that is a very creative date! I love Noodles and used to frequent there when I lived in Sugarhouse. We also had a huge russian sage plant in sugarhouse. I haven't planted one yet at our new pad. My mom always buys us lots of clothes for birthdays! Spencer wouldn't dare but shopping together would be fun.I will be looking into sampling those ice cream cookies. Yum.

  8. I did think about you on your birthday, but I don't know how sincere that sounds since I didn't follow through and actually call to wish you a happy birthday! It sounds like you had some fun ways to celebrate! We'll have to get together for our usual 'girls' celebration.
    By the way, I regularly buy shoes that are not practical at all, and then buy a couple outfits to match!
    I think you should go back and get the pink shoes just for fun...
    Thanks for being such a wonderful friend. HAPPY belated birthday!!

  9. What a fabulous day! It sounds like you had a happy, happy birthday weekend... I'm so proud to call Ryan my brother. Thanks for sharing your day, and HAPPY birthday from all of us.

    And yes, every birthday should include at least 1 birthday outfit. I'm with you on the shoes... I'm not a 1 pair per outfit kind of girl.

    I also loved Get Smart! Are you thinking what I'm thinking??

  10. Happy Birthday! What a fun day you had. Birthdays are all about clothes. I buy my own gifts and it works well for us! Scott just gives me the $$$! Glad you had a wonderful deserve it!

  11. Birthdays are the best! So much fun that you had!

  12. So much fun!

    I have never been to the dough boy place but now I know where I am going when we come visit!

    I must admit I often buy shoes to go with one outfit but I am always pleasantly suprised how many more times they actual work perfectly, after all "too matchy" is no fun.

    Coleman says the funniest things!

  13. holy smokes! What a fun day. I might have to steal that choose your own adventure birthday. (Yes, I loved those books too) I'm glad you had a wonderful day. Food choices are paramount on birthdays, I think!

    I cannot buy a pair of shoes for just one outfit either.


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