Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Sweet Liv!

Seven years ago Sweet Liv was born and I can't imagine life without her. Just yesterday she asked how babies come out, and after I explained all the gory details, she said she wasn't sure she wanted any babies, ever. I assured her that it was all worth it, and it is. As a baby she was calm and easy going (except when we buckled her into her car seat, which made her scream and turn bright red, for the first several weeks of her life) and she is still pretty laid back and goes with the flow. She has developed so many great qualities--she's thoughtful and kind and generous and bright and funny and spiritual and lots of fun to be around and she has a strong moral compass inside.

I love you, sweet Liv! Happy Birthday!


  1. What a sweet picture. She's a doll. Happy Birthday to Liv!

  2. Happy Birthday, Olivia! I can't believe she is I hope you got to do something fun to celebrate!

  3. What a sweet girl! So darling.

  4. Happy Birthday Liv! They get big so fast!

  5. yes, how kids come out is sort of gross...but worth it! happy birthday!


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