Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Orienteering 101

Orienteering is the "thinking person's sport" (Orienteering Utah!) or the sport of navigation with map and compass (US Orienteering Federation). For our family, it meant a fun activity last Saturday at Kaysville Mountain Park. We did the novice level (which means the very easiest course) and we took 2nd place!!! If you look closely at the results, you'll notice we took second out of three, but the third didn't ever finish, so you could also say we were last in our group. We got a teeny tiny bit lost during the course and missed one of the waypoints... which of course got us way off track for the next waypoint. Coleman and I decided we'd had enough (allergies, the heat, the hopelessness of it all) and headed back to the check-in tent. Ryan and Olivia were troopers though and persevered. Within minutes they figured out our error and got back on track. We learned from this activity that if our family were stranded somewhere without supplies, Ryan and Liv would survive and live to tell the tale, but Coleman and I would be left behind, buried in a shallow grave or left to dry out in the sun.
**Doesn't Coleman look utterly pooped?
**Have you ever been (or heard of???) orienteering?


  1. I can't believe you were up in my neck of the woods (literally) and didn't stop by! Just know you always have a welcome invitation to my house. I understand how busy things get, but just know that next time I EXPECT a visit! :)

  2. Orienteering is a great family sport, I am always enthused when I hear of people giving it a go and enjoying it.
    I hope that you get back in the woods soon!

  3. this looks really neat, but nothing short of exhausting. Maybe the summer heat is already getting to me.

    Congrats on your 2nd place finish!


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