Sunday, July 6, 2008

Good Friends

It's been so fun to have good friends and family visit this week. I took Olivia, Madison and Amanda (with their American Girls Kit, Julie, and Kit) with our friends Jill and her daughter Addie to see the new "Kit Kittredge: An American Girl" movie at Thanksgiving Point. We went on the day after it opened, so I thought we'd have to buy tickets beforehand. Thanksgiving Point has reserved seating, so I reserved our seats and had to chuckle to myself because there were only 2 other small families there, so we could have picked any seats in the theater. The girls loved the movie and Jill and I thought it was pretty cute too. There were some pretty big names associated with the show--Julia Roberts produced it with her sister, and the cast included some of my favorites: Abigail Breslin as Kit, Chris O'Donnell as her father, Julia Ormond as her mother, and a supporting cast that included Stanley Tucci and Joan Cusack, who stole a few scenes all by herself. It was a fun girls' outing made even better by getting lunch at the Thanksgiving Point deli before the show. Below are the girls in front of the water tower. Madison, Amanda, Olivia, and Addie at the Deli. They ALL ordered chicken nuggets and fries.
My favorite thing at the Thanksgiving Point deli (besides the whole entire dessert case) is the Tuscan Chicken salad. It has grilled chicken, sun-dried tomatoes, artichokes, pine nuts, and a yummy pesto dressing. I get it every time I'm there (and make sure to snag some of the kid's fries, because they are really good too!).
On July 4th we were lucky to have our friends the Zollingers come over for lunch on their way to a family reunion in AF Canyon. They have lived in Tennessee for several years, so it was great to get together. McKenna (back), Olivia, Coleman, and Rebecca had lots of fun on the trampoline and playing in the water.
Jill Z. and I were roommates at USU for three years--she was great to live with and has continued to be a dear friend, even though we only see each other once every couple of years. Jill has been quilting for years and is amazingly talented. She started a business about a year ago doing long-arm quilting out of her home and does amazing work. Visit her website at
One of the things I'm grateful for most in life is good friends. My friend Kristy said it best on her blog when she said "Old, new, here, there, all my friends are gold to me!" I love getting to spend time with old friends because I am reminded why I liked them so much in the first place!

Coleman's Quips:

"Choo-Choo Bobs or Shishkamabobs" (both are used interchangeably for shishkabobs)
"Drastic Park 3" (Jurassic Park 3)
"Fashion Donuts" (you know, the kind with the sprinkles)
"Basil Donuts" (Glazed donuts)
"I found a hooker!" (as we were doing a family puzzle--he was talking about the puzzle piece with the little part that juts out and hooks to the other piece)

**Do you take daughters out for girls' days (or nights)?
**Do you always order your "favorites" when you eat out, or do you try to taste something new?
**Do you keep in touch with old friends?
**Would you die laughing from all the silly things Coleman comes up with?

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like fun to go to the Kit movie with the girls. Lyndee really wants to go see it and what a perfect girls out day!


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