Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Trip Down Memory Lane

This looked like a fun little activity that I've seen on a few blogs...

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


  1. I miss those meetings, too! It was a nice night away to visit with the girls...oh, and to do Primary, too. :)

    I remember venturing up to Salt Lake for the Primary open house and hearing stories from your childhood of the big, tall van not clearing the parking garage and getting stuck. Too funny! Then stopping in Sandy for dessert at TGI Fridays. Good times!

  2. All I have pre-blogging is how kind you have always been in welcoming in new family members. I always felt like you made a sincere effort to remember names and just break the ice and be friendly.

    And now I know that your shower candy areas are UNforgettable! :o)

  3. I remember meeting you (probably not the first time, but the first time I remember) when we were both pregnant (me with my first, you with your second) at Uncle Richard's house at some party. I overheard you talking to someone and thought that we would be great friends. We moved away soon after but it's fun to now be connected through blogs!

  4. You are so generous and kind. Case in point: after your annual cookie exchange, at which you only got 3 total of each cookie, you sent me a plate with one of each kind! How could you have known how delightful a gift that was? And later, the recipes so I could recreate my favorites. Such an indulgence.

  5. Okay, my first real memory of Lisa was being in the same ward together. I was familiar with her name, but didn't know her at all. We were sitting on the same bench during Sunday school, and it happened to be in the chapel. She was sharing Olivia's snacks with my oldest daughter, who is the same age. After I asked her where she got the great snack containers, and mentioned her friend had gotten them for her, but she knew where to get them from. A few days later she showed up on my porch with the same snack containers as a gift for me. I just really liked Lisa right from the start, and thought she was so kind and fun!

  6. The MTC. What more can I say? Like us snipping down the hallway with a nylon over our heads. Talking about how we would like to "know" a man. Me gloating over eating a frosty while you couldn't. Farting during class or the funny noises our stomachs would make because of the horrid MTC food. Drooling over Sting. Hhhhhmmmmmmm.....STING. Having Natalie yell at us like we were in the air force. All the pics we took of cleaning those disgusting showers or throwing each other off the balconies. But you know, we must make some non-MTC funnies..Don't you think? Or can we count all the breasfeeding sessions as fond memories??? There's just a special bond that happens between MTC room mates that just can't happen anywhere or any time else in this life.

  7. Well, I haven't known you that long, but I remember playing guitar hero and rock band with you. You are pretty darn cool like that.

  8. I was so surprised when Lisa showed up on my birthday with a gift! She also took me to Cafe Rio for lunch! Yum! She asked me once several months before when my birthday was. Wow, what a good memory you have and so kind! I think you have the kindness covered as discussed in your previous entry.Thanks Lisa!

  9. It was our first year up at Utah State, in our little apartment off campus. We had gone to the Institute Cake Walk dance (or something to that effect). Periodically during the night we would be told to run and touch one of the many numbers taped to the wall. It happened that I changed numbers and the first number was taken by some guy. That number was the winning number. And with all the chivalry (? spelling) a guy should have, he gave the cake to me. It was a tasty looking German chocolate cake - one of my favorite. We proceeded home to eat the whole thing while watching Top Gun. What a night!

  10. I have some vague memory of meeting you when I attended my Grandma Morgan's ward (Fontaine Bleu St.)when I was a teenager--or maybe that was your sister, meghan. But I know I met you through Elisa when we were younger, too. But the best memory was hanging out at your place in AF for dinner with your hubby and Jud before we left to come to Cleveland. Wow--I didn't realize how many times our paths have crossed. Thank goodness for blogging, yet aonther avenue for our paths to cross.

  11. Cheri: I never really got the chance to know you before you and Spencer ran off to Boston. I remember being at showers though before you left and thinking how fun you seemed. I was sure we'd be great friends if we ever had a chance to spend time together--and even though we haven't done that, I have really grown to appreciate you. You're such a fun mom and you have a great sense of humor!

    Heather: Yeah, the MTC memories are the ones that come to mind most... but I also remember after our missions going down to your cabin in Escalante and going on a really fun hike then swimming in Lake Powell, I think on July 4th or for some other holiday with fireworks. Good times!

    Shirlene: The first time I remember seeing you was the day Lauren was blessed. I thought you looked so good and put together for a new mom--and I still hadn't had Olivia, but I remember hoping that I could be like you after she was born. I also remember that same conversation in Sunday school--and I was so self-conscious because we talked about our childbirth experiences and I said how it was so much harder than I expected it to be, and you said it was a lot easier than you expected... I was sure you'd think I was a big whiner and wouldn't want to be my friend. I'm glad you got past it and were my friend anyway!

    Kristy: I remember feeling so impressed when I first talked to you about how educated you are... yet still so down to earth and fun to be with.

    Patrice: Wow... we go way back. One of my favorite memories with you is going up to Snowbird to stay in your condo. We had some good times there (and everywhere else we went together!).

    Sara: It's amazing how many times our paths have crossed over the years... my favorite memory of you though is also the time you and Jud came over to our house... after you left Ryan and I talked about how much fun you were and how we wish you were going to be around so we could hang out together more. You are a great story-teller. I would LOVE to hear your mission stories again, they were hilarious. I still wish you lived close to us!

    Amy A: (She always reads, and CALLS to make comments on my blog posts rather than actually comment :)). I have many, many memories with you... how about cleaning at Sister Abel's? How about our trip to San Diego after my mission and learning about my dad's lovely conspiracy theories? How about our many conversations about our dysfunctional families and boys who had their heads stuck up their butts (don't they all?). We've been friends for a really long time too... glad we are still going, even if you are too chicken to COMMENT on my blog :).


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