Friday, August 15, 2008

Back To School Night

Last night was our Back To School Night... it's hard to believe that summer is almost over and school will start next week! Our school is under construction to add several desperately needed new classrooms and a renovated office and kitchen. In addition, there is road construction on every road to and around the school... should make for an interesting time getting our kiddoes TO school!

Last year I split a PTA responsibility with a friend and this year decided I was a big enough girl to do the job on my own--so I am the PTA Health Commissioner and will be in charge of Red Ribbon Week (drug awareness/safety) and lining up volunteers for vision and hearing screening. I have grand visions of doing a bunch of health/fitness/disease prevention awareness campaigns, but my hope for a bulletin board isn't looking so good... so we'll see what I can do! I also want our school to be a Gold Medal School... so I came armed with all sorts of sign up sheets with my display. We had a lower than hoped for turn out (maybe due to the construction???) so I only got a few to commit. Do you want to help?Olivia and Coleman were troopers. We met Olivia's new teacher (who seems incredible!) and then they got to hang out with me. They entertained themselves by forming a conga line with their buddies (whose mama's were also staffing PTA displays) and singing out "cha cha cha cha cha CHA!" in less than quiet voices.
We were all quite proud to catch Liam's jump in front of the camera, the kids thought that photo was hilarious.
Liv, J.D., Sarah, Megan, and Addie in their conga line.

**How can I find more PTA volunteers (I'm not above bribery)?
**Do you like to conga?

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