Sunday, August 31, 2008

Carnival for Tiffany

Olivia's friend and classmate Tiffany has had pretty serious medical problems. Her family's friends and neighbors put together a fun carnival last week to raise money for medical expenses. I love that so many people rallied around them to help them out. Tiffany is such a sweet girl, and according to Olivia she is always happy. You can see from her smile that she is an angel.
Tiffany loves horses--they even had horseback rides at the carnival--but the line was WAY too long so we stuck with the water balloons and face painting. They even had a fire pit and stuff for s'mores! At the face painting booth Olivia chose to have a horse painted on her face.

I'm so grateful that Olivia and Tiffany are friends!

1 comment:

  1. I love this story. I was just talking to Spencer about Stella making friends with children clearly differnt than her and hoping this never changes. I have always hoped my children would love and accept every sweet child. Thanks for sharing.


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