Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Coleman's First Day

Today was Coleman's first day of preschool. He was trying to make a "P" with his fingers to show he is off to preschool...
Then he wanted to show us his big muscles...
...and that he's an all-around cool guy. I'd have to agree.


  1. Happy first day Coleman. Such a sweet kid!

  2. I'm so glad you commented...it's always nice to meet a new cyber friend!

    I am looking over your booklist and recognizing a lot of favorites and a few new titles to write down.

    Happy back-to-school!

  3. these pictures are so cute! The "cool guy" one cracks me up.

  4. Darling pix! Coleman, you are growing up soooooo much! AND wow! Such big muscles! Stay healthy, kiddo! Love ya much. --Grandma


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