Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Forever Strong in Theaters!

Back in January I blogged about this great movie that I saw at the LDS Film Festival (see post here) about Highland Rugby. Forever Strong is opening nationwide this Friday!!! It is a great film that my cute brother David is in--he is rugby player #1 and is often seen next to the main character. I hope you will all go see this movie--it will be well worth your time and money!

From the archives: A picture of Ryan and me (when we were dating in May 1999) with my brother Matt (who played for many years and whose pictures can be seen during the closing credits of Forever Strong), my dad who came up to see the game, and my brother David, who can be seen throughout the film.

**Have you ever watched a rugby game?
**Are you excited to see this movie?


  1. Zach's brother played Highland Rugby-- we are SO excited for this movie! It looks awesome.

    I will watch for your brother...

  2. It's about time a good movie comes out! we will definitely be seeing this one!

  3. It looks like a good movie. We plan to see it. My brother played rugby at BYU Hawaii in the 80's, but had to quit because he kept getting knocked unconcious.

  4. Thanks for the recommendation. We go to the movie so infrequently, and then never know what to go and see. So we'll have to go and see it.
    It's fun to see a pic of your dad. I've met most of your family, but not him since he lives out of state.

  5. I have a good friend and she used to play rugby. All I know is hearing the word "scrum" a lot. I also remember her horrible injuries....two torn ACLs in the matter of a year or so. She described it as "football without pads."

    I am planning on seeing this movie, hopefully soon...


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