Sunday, October 19, 2008

History Lesson at Camp Floyd

While I was in San Diego for my Dad's birthday celebration, Ryan took the kids to the Camp Floyd Civil War Reenactment. Although it was drizzly and wet, they had a great time.
There weren't too many people there, so they got to pick their activities.

They tried on some uniforms...

Tested out the sleeping quarters...

Learned a little about teamwork...

Held a rifle that was taller than they are...

...and picked up cannonballs. Olivia kept saying "I can do it, I can do it" and indeed, she did it.

Coleman tried picking one up and all he could say was "Heavy!" but was finally successful in lifting it. I love his facial expression in the middle picture.

**Any field trip suggestions (family activities) for more hands on history lessons?


  1. This really was a fun activity, the kids had a great time, and learned a little at the same time.

  2. That looks like so much fun. We went to a civil war battle ground in Tennesse a few years ago, and it was very interested. Stone Creek Battlefield, I think it was called. Very fun to learn about history though.

  3. one word. OREGON Oregon trail, Lewis and Clark expedition, Astoria, down town tigard (lol) just to name a few:)


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