Sunday, November 2, 2008

Good Behavior Fairy

At Olivia's school the student council goes around awarding playground tickets to recognize good behavior. The kids get to turn their tickets in for a prize. Don't you wish there were a good behavior fairy for adults too?

**You made dinner for a neighbor, here's a coupon for a massage!
**You snuggled your kids and read to them, even though you really wanted to keep reading your own book, have a chocolate bar!
**You smiled at the bad driver instead of flipping him off, have a Slurpee!
**You returned your library books on time, and you even got them all read, go buy a new book from the real bookstore, on us!

Of course, the real joys of serving and doing what's right are not tied to any tangible reward or recognition, but still... some days it might be nice!

**What have you done today that's deserving of recognition?

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