Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Olivia's Christmas Piano Recital

Olivia had her Christmas Piano Recital last weekend and played a couple of duets with Ryan. They memorized their songs and performed very well! Liv has really enjoyed playing the piano and we are grateful for her wonderful teacher. If you feel inclined to watch and listen, the video follows...


  1. What are you doing up right now? Crazy us. I will have to listen to the piano video tomorrow so that I don't wake up my little woman sleeping next to me but I am yet jealous again. I envy anyone that can play the piano. I look forward to watching it tomorrow.

  2. Very talented and brave. It makes me nervous just watching. I love music but I don't love to perform.

  3. Olivia you are so good I am very impressed...Thanks Lisa for sending those lists. You need to check out this book called Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell it’s awesome...

    Love you,

    Matt Cole

  4. Good job, Olivia! I need to get my kids in piano. Well, first I need a piano!

    And you are right on about sending sick kids to school. I know I will be guilty of that. But serves Anna right for calling "sick!" :)

  5. Way to go Liv! You are doing a fantastic job! We are really proud of you!

  6. Hey Lisa,

    Thank you so much for sending me your Christmas card. I don't know where you find the time. It's always so darling. Speaking of darling, your kids are gorgeous and BIG. Holy Cow. I guess 6 years will do that to you. I am loving your blog and will be staying up late to read all your posts. If you get bored and want to check us out, go for it. I'll add you to my blog friends so I can keep up on your family. So good to hear from you. love you!


  7. Great job Liv. You sound great!

  8. Hey Lisa,

    Thanks for saying HI. It was great to hear from you. I love your blog and I'm inspired to read more after checking out your list of books read this year. You are amazing. You'll have to let me know which ones are the best. Where do you find the time???

    Anyway, I am so glad we could re-connect after all these years. I have to ask you.... Is Vernetta still in your ward? The Tuna noodle casserole post was about her. She was the greatest lady and I still think about her often. (obviously)

    How is everyone else doing? I'm sure many families have come and gone, but I have such fond memories of your neighborhood and you guys. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Love you!

  9. Awesome Blog Lisa.....it is gonna be so much easier to stay in touch!
    Yes my kids are so grown up...One even is attending dances now and Cassidy is in YW. AH! Life changes fast!
    Heres my blog address. I already added you to mine.
    Love ya,



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