Monday, December 8, 2008

One Last Hoorah

People have been so kind to me and to my family this week. I've been overwhelmed with all of the emails, phone calls, notes, text messages, cards, plants, treats, facebook shout outs and kind words. I'm so grateful for everyone that has shared their well wishes with us. One of my mom's friend's made these great magnets with the quote from Granddad's last Conference talk (Come What May, and Love It) for each of her children. I thought his last talk was particularly insightful, and I love having the magnet as a reminder of his words. I'm so thankful for so many kind and thoughtful friends who have reached out to us.

We had an emotional and wonderful weekend (especially sunny and warm for December!) celebrating my Granddad's life. We spent one last afternoon at his home with many of our family members. We have always gathered there each General Conference Sunday and on Christmas. It was great to be with everyone and spend time in the home we all love so much.

Here are several of my cousins--we are all around the same age and share a lot of wonderful memories at Grandma and Granddad's house.

Several of us went for a walk in the gully behind the house--this was always a favorite activity when we were kids, and even as an adult it has it's charm. Our kids loved it and my mom told us all sorts of great stories about adventures in the gully.

My mom loves taking the grandkids on walks, and the gully is a great place to walk and explore. Coleman kept putting his hands in his pockets--he looks like he's on a long, mature, contemplative walk. I was in the mood for that too.

Olivia (on the right) with her cousin Emma. We wish Emma lived closer because these girls are best buds.
Liv and Coleman in the gully entrance.

Here's a photo of Heather, me, my mom, and Erin in front of the church (which is where the gulley leads to).

Coleman's happy face makes me smile.

I will miss gathering at Grandma and Granddad's house--I'm so glad we got to spend another magical afternoon there.


  1. What great pictures and memories. We also stopped by the house before going to the airport on Saturday, and Spencer got lots of pictures of the different rooms in the house. Those magnets are such a great idea, and what a nice reminder of his final conference talk.

  2. I love the gulley! I'm so bummed I couldn't make it on Saturday, unfortunately I had to work. It was sure great to see everyone last week! And thank Ryan for taking that picture, that was a big undertaking! Hopefully he got at least one good one - we're quite the brood!

  3. So, so sweet. It is strange how emotional your Granddad's passing has made me. His last talk literally changed my life. I need to find a way to make a magnet like that. That talk has gotten me through so many hard times in the last two months. Thank you for sharing so many sweet memories of him. Still thinking of you and your family...

  4. Oh,'ve been in my thoughts so much this last week. I appreciate your insight and remarks about your dear Grandfather. We all loved him and he has touched our lives so much. You are very blessed to have such a wonderful family! When I went visiting teaching a couple of weeks ago, his talk was the one I selected to share. Brings such new and different meaning by reading it. He too, gives me hope. We will all miss him and his wisdom. You are a remarkable woman, and I'm sure he is proud of you. Know I'm thinking of you! Can I do anything?
    Love ya!

  5. What great pictures and wonderful memories. Your granddad will be missed.

  6. I hope you don't mind me intruding on your blog again. I have never had the chance to thank a General Authority or his family and have really wanted to thank you over the last few days. I'm grateful to you and your mother, all Elder Wirthlin's children and Elisa. I know that he wasn't called as a General Authority when your mother was a child and living at home, but he was just as devoted to Heavenly Father with all of his callings which also took him away from his family--Bishop, Counselor in the stake preidency... My husband is a bishop and I know how much time just that takes. And even though he is your grandfather and not your father, I know that you also sacrificed time with him when he was away serving in his calling instead of at family events. It takes a special family to support someone in that kind of service to the Lord and to the people of the world. A simple "Thank you" is not adaquate, but I have no other words to show my gratitude. Thank you!

  7. Looks like such a fun place, "the gully"! What great momories of a great place:) and it leads right to the church? How neat and convienient is that? No wonder your mom likes walks, I'm sure she did it a lot through there too. We missed you at Thanksgiving but looks like you had some fun:) We really enjoy looking at your blog. Thanks you're terrific!
    Love and miss you guys,
    -The Oregon Cheri


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