Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Great Day in History

Today I feel blessed to be a citizen of the United States of America. As I watched the inauguration of our 44th president, and the first African-American to hold this office, I felt impressed at the magnitude of what took place today. During his prayer, Reverend Joseph Lowery referred to Obama as a servant of the Lord, which struck me. Another person encouraged us all to pray for President Obama and those he serves with. I am hopeful that we can all support Barack Obama as OUR president, whether or not our vote was cast for him (mine was, very enthusiastically). I truly believe he is a good man with integrity and that he will do his best to lead our great nation.

I loved this blog post (lift where you stand) that was written by someone who voted for the other candidate, but is ready to support President Obama. It references a wonderful general conference talk by Dieter F. Uchtdorf about doing what we can, wherever we are, and with whatever we can contribute to help the group accomplish great things.

Now is the time for us all to lift where we stand.

**Were you moved by the inauguration?


  1. I hear you! I was moved today and I'm thrilled. I like what President Obama stands for and I especially like the feeling so many of us have today...that it won't be easy, but that together we can head this country in the right direction, and that anything is possible in America. What a great day!

  2. I have to say that I really hope Obama is good to his word and will do what he says and it's not all smoke and mirrors. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt even though I'm morally and ethically opposed to several things he supports. Here's hoping to a better next 4 years. As for the 4 after that, well we'll have to see if he earns it :)
    Loved the blog you linked to. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh Lisa...you know me...I love it! I thought it was not only a major historical event, but an emotional one as well. I feel really proud to be a citizen of this great nation and am proud of our new President. I (like millions of others) am cheering him on!

  4. I didnt vote for him, but I do think he is a great person and will do his best!
    It was an awesome day yesterday. I was really wishing that I was there. How lucky those people that attended were to be able to witness that in person. Whqat and awesome memory they will have!

  5. I didn't get to see much of it, but I heard it was good. I was sad when Hillary Clinton lost the democratic nomination, but now that it is all overwith, I'm looking forward to what he can and hopefully will accomplish.

  6. I felt a little left out when my next-door neighbor had a huge inauguration party at her house and didn't invite me. Even though I did not vote for Obama, I have the same feelings as your blog friend and feel a sincere desire to unite with all Americans in support of this intelligent, honorable, capable new president of ours. I bet if you were my next-door neighbor and it was your party, you would have understood and invited me, too.

  7. I did not vote for him. I actually had a sinking feeling in my heart. We'll see but (I really don't care about him being black or any other color. We are all suppossed to be equal as humans.) I have my big doubts about the direction this nation is going to go. Him in office just goes along with too much scripture to ignore. Sorry to be the rain cloud on your day but it's just my opinion.

  8. Lisa, I am sure you already know this but you are in the Ensign this month! I was reading it and there was a very nice insert about Elder Wirthlin in it and there was a family picture and I found you! Have a great day!

  9. Well said...I didn't vote for Obama but at the same time am really glad that the man I voted for didn't win. Isn't that funny? President Obama is a man I can respect and look up to even though I might not agree with all of his policies and that is a great thing! I wish him the best for his family and for our country. We truly do live in a great nation where great things happen!


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