Monday, January 5, 2009

Second Grade Soap Opera

I'm not sure what's going on at our elementary school, but apparently Olivia's got it going on...

I went to the school a couple of weeks ago and a cute little boy that looked vaguely familiar said, "Aren't you Olivia Harper's mom?" I told him I was and asked if he was her friend. His answer: "Yeah, I used to be her boyfriend, but she dumped me." Huh.

Then today, she came home from school with this note from another cute boy that she's been pining for and until today he acted like he loved her too. It's a little hard to read, but this is what it says:


I want to brake up with you beacas you will not like the things I will be doing when I am biger I will tock to you and get back agin. I wil bild light sabers and orther things. And if the love gets to strong I mite get to mad. I do not want you to get hert.


Seriously??? Where does he come up with this stuff? The kicker? He wants her to write back!

**What should she say?

(I told her to write: "That's okay, my mom said I'm too young to be in love anyway.")


  1. That is FANTASTIC!!!! I love it! Olivia is a little cutie.

  2. That post is the best! And Ryan's comment is even better! Oh man, no advice on what to write back (I like your advice though), but that made my day!

  3. You totally need to keep that for her.


    Gosh, at least he is thinking of her... I mean his love could HURT her. :)

  4. Oh my goodness, I'm just floored. Everything I can think of for her to say back to him would be inapproproate, so I have no good ideas. But wow. And why is the letter torn?

  5. I think the letter is torn because it was carried around for so long before it was given to her... she said it was torn when he gave it to her. He must have been planning this "brake up" for a long time!

  6. Sounds like you better start preparing for lots of guys showing up at your house and calling her when she gets a little older if she has all that attention already! It's not easy being pretty, I guess. My husband always tells my daughters that he has a list of questions ready for the potential date interviews and they are only 10 and 6. Good luck!

  7. LOL! that's hilarious. man, sounds like Livy is a man's lady. =) not surprised, cuz she is beautiful!
    She should reply back "How can we break up if we were never going out in the first place." ha that's what I would say, but Livy is prob a nicer person than me. =)

  8. Not surprised! She is such a cutie :) We've told our Olivia that she can date when she's like 24 or's a rule :)

  9. He needs to change his name to Anakin. Sounds as if Olivia is escaping just in time. This is the funniest thing I have read in a long time. Thanks!

  10. Oh man, it starts this early? I'm sorry, but first off, that's too cute... "i wil bild lite sabers and orther things" heart just melted. I'm not on his side at all, but really, what a treasure. just promise me you hang on to that note -

    As for Olivia, she's a babe, but still, a 2nd grader. I like what you suggested to her for a verbal retailation.

  11. ok lisa is this the most comments you've gotten on anything? I new livy was a cutie!! so fun and personable what's a guy to do? Good call on the reply back:)Ryan can borrow Johns bat if he wants. You better keep tabs on that Colman boy he's a cutie too!
    luv ya, -other cheri

  12. "the love gets to strong..." classic! But yeah, you need to think twice about letting her hang out with a jedi. :o)

  13. That is really cute! Amazing how early the kids start the whole lovegame. You'd better watch out since you have such a cute daughter.


  14. I'm totally shocked. It seriously starts that young?? I thought boys still had cuties at that age. Phew! The "light sabers" thing is hillarious. Liv is better off without him. :)

  15. Because Braedon is in second grade, I could picture this cuties. This note is so "child-humbly" honest - and what an interesting thing to note that he's worried about hurting her. Wow. He's a thinker, that one. Keep the laughs coming!! :)


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