Friday, March 27, 2009

Liv's Book Club

Olivia and her friend J.D. cooked up a plan to host a book club. They planned out a meeting for every month this year and picked a book series to focus on each month. Today was the first club meeting and we talked about the Magic Treehouse series--they discussed the plot, setting, moral lessons, and characters. Not bad for 2nd graders!

Back: Tyler , Olivia, Jane, Kennadi
Front: Anna, J.D. Aislyn, Coleman, Sarah, and Sophie

**Note to self, 90 minutes for a 2nd Grade Book Club is WAY too long.


  1. What a great idea! She is going to be quite a leader.

    I'm finally on to Three Cups of Tea, but I'm listening to it on CD. Do you like it so far? I should reserve my judgement until the end, but it seems like they've included so many details that it's hard for me to get through it. Greg is amazingly persistant though!

  2. Wow, your kids are so great. That's awesome that they have a book club. What a fun way to spend time with friends. You must be a good mom, if your kids are coming up with such good ideas. :)


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