Thursday, June 4, 2009

Eight years ago...

...we were welcoming Olivia to our family. I didn't think it was possible to love her any more than I did the first time I held her...

...and nursed her (check out that rooting reflex)... but after eight years of being delighted with her, learning with her and from her, and feeling so proud to be her mama, it's safe to say that my love for her has grown immensely.

Liv chose "Breakfast for Dinner" for her birthday meal... we had German pancakes, bacon, strawberries, and a super-duper-tropical-berry birthday smoothie.

She got a new dress for her baptism day, a journal, and some other fun surprises!

Our birthday girl still loves to get tickled by Daddy-O.

Eight crazy candles for the birthday girl! She blew them all out and promptly told us she'd tell us what her wish was because she knew it would come true anyway... we told her to wait until it came true to tell us... but she let it slip that it has something to do with her baptism. We can't wait for that special event.

We had a great day celebrating Olivia... and we can't wait for many more birthdays and celebrations to come!


  1. So sweet! Happy Birthday Olivia! I didn't realize our girls were so close in age. Now I REALLY wish we lived closer!

  2. It was so fun to see those pictures from when she was born. You guys sure know how to party! Happy Birthday, Olivia!!

  3. Happy Birthday Olivia! Those girls are the greatest gifts. Wow eight is a big birthday.

  4. You still look so beautiful after just having had a child. Congrats on your oldest being baptist. I am sure it will be a big ballfest day. Have plenty of tissues and good luck.

  5. Happy Birthday Olivia! Those cupcakes look fabuloso! :)


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