Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Beautiful Bryce

After our afternoon in Zion we drove to Bryce Canyon and stayed at the very fun Ruby's Inn. (I can't say I was disappointed that we couldn't find any available campsites when we looked online.... it was humorous that once we got down south we saw many campsites open, but darn it, we had already booked the room.)

Bryce is amazing... I hadn't been there since I was a teenager, so it was fun for me to go back. Ryan went a few years ago with his Dad, so he had some good pointers of things to see and places to go. There was quite a bit of lightning the afternoon we were there, and we didn't want to be caught on the rim during that, so we hung out in the car for a bit, but it cleared up and we got out to enjoy the scenery and a little presentation by the ranger.

Unfortunately the only family shot we got is a little blurry... but we really were there together!

We decided to go on the Navajo Loop trail... you can see how steep it goes down... and with each step downward I thought about coming back up again... it was incredible though. Bryce is so beautiful from the rim, but going down among the hoodoos and being a part of that landscape is a whole different experience. I'm so glad we decided to go on this hike (even though it was labeled as 'strenuous' in the park newspaper).

The kids loved it too. Olivia kept saying, "I just can't believe I'm actually seeing this with my own eyes. It's so beautiful."

They loved the natural bridges and thought this one was especially fun because they got to walk through it.

These canyons were amazing! We survived the ascent and laughed together at some tourists that were hiking in flip flops or heels (what were they thinking?). I say we survived, but it was just barely... I had to stop after each switchback (in the shade) to let my heart rate slow down so it didn't pound out of my chest and to take a nice long drink. It is obvious that I need to get some more cardiovascular exercise into my life.

When we got back to Ruby's Inn we stopped to get ice cream and got detoured by the jail...

...and the silly props for photos...

...we make pretty good country folk, don't you think?

The last part of our short visit in Bryce was a quick reunion with a dear friend from high school that has family ties in Bryce. It was so fun to meet up with Amy for a few minutes and catch up on all that we've been up to in the last several years.

We loved Bryce and can't wait to go back! (We promise to meet up with you Heather next time around!)

**Been to Bryce lately?


  1. It looks so fun! And you can tell your husband is a photographer, because that family picture didn't look blurry to us amateurs. :) Darling pictures, especially the family one!

  2. in all my trips to southern utah growing up, I've never been to Bryce.

    Looks like you HAVE been living life and blogging about it too. :o) Good to see you last night

  3. I have never been! I've driven I-15 from LA to Salt Lake/Provo probably 50 times but never have ventured off to Bryce. It looks amazing!

  4. I just drove my Bryce today on my way to Salt Lake and I'll take you up on visiting me next time. Oh yeah, I will. I live to stalk people when they come into my neck of the woods. Gives me something to do. Anyways, it did look like you guys managed to have fun even though I wasn't informed. Maybe next time I shall show you what a real fun time is all about. JK We'll catch up some other time. :)

  5. I have never been to Bryce. But it looks absolutely beautiful!! If we ever make it to Utah again, we'll have to contact you for a tour!!

  6. We went to Bryce on our trip to Utah this summer and I do have to say I think it is my favorite place out! Amazing formations! We didn't go on the cool trail you did, but maybe next time when we don't have kids on our backs.


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