Monday, July 20, 2009

Maybe we should have been cowboys

(This was taken at a ward dinner I helped put together as the Activities Committee Co-Chair... Ryan graciously took photos of all the people that were willing to sit for a photo.)

We must live in "rural" Utah or something.


  1. Hey, this photo reminds me of my high school Sadie Hawkins dance photos. Good times....

  2. I think you should have been. That is just awesome!

  3. So Cute! I love it! You plan such wonderful activities! I'm sure your ward just loved it!

  4. It was a great activity. I'm so glad you are the activities person for our ward now. I look forward to many awesome parties.. :) The picture of you two looks great. When do we get to see the rest of them?

  5. Isn't ALL of Utah considered "rural" to those who don't live here? ;)

  6. I saw the invite on my parents fridge. Looks like a great activity cowgirl!


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