Saturday, August 22, 2009

Third Grade is for Big Kids

The summer has flown by... last week Olivia started 3rd grade and is officially a "big kid" (her words, not mine).

About her day she said... "I really like my new teacher.... zzzz... " (she has one core teacher and two specialty class teachers) and "I am making a lot of new friends... and I really miss you during the day." (I miss her during the day too.)

**What do you think about school starting?


  1. I think that we are both up too late!

    This summer has gone by too fast. My bigger little one starts preschool this week, too!

  2. I think she's justified in being a big kid. Hope she has a wonderful year.

  3. Where did our "little" girls go. She is looking cute for her first day.

  4. I can't believe what a "big kid" she is! Where does the time go?! I'm totally not enjoying this school thing. I just sent Anna off to 1st grade today. I'm trying to find things to keep me busy!! Please tell me this gets easier?!


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