Saturday, September 5, 2009

"Say Eight!"

So early Thursday morning Ryan had to take me to the emergency room. I'll share more details later, but I just wanted to give a little precursor laugh-fest to let you know my frame of mind despite the excruciating pain I was in. Brian Regan is hilarious, and his monologue on ER visits touch on all of the crazy things that go along with a trip to the ER.

Emergency Room Part 1

Emergency Room Part 2

I have to admit, I said eight, and the relief was well worth it.

I'm going to be okay but it looks like a long and expensive road ahead....

**Have you watched Brian Regan before?
**Any trips to the ER lately?
**Looking forward to more details of my ER visit?


  1. I hope you are going to be you've got me worried!! Please let me know if there is anything I can do.

  2. Oh No! I hope everything is ok. You've got me worried. Post as soon as you can.

  3. Lisa,
    Blogs are absolutely NOT a good place to practice your cliffhanger writing skills. Boo. I too am quite worried. I love Brian Regan's Hot Pockets bit. And no, we haven't been to the ER since Troy's bike accident about a year or two ago. Knock on wood.

  4. I still think it's funny that Ryan snickered when you told the ER nurse "8". Glad you could find humor at such a crappy time.


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