Saturday, October 31, 2009

We're Having A....

...beautiful baby....

GIRL!!! Yes, I did just post a bum shot of our daughter to be. You must understand the humor in all of this...

When we first found out that I was pregnant, I really thought we were going to have a girl. My step-dad Mike even dreamt about her. At 12 weeks I went to the perinatologist after my pulmonary embolism (it seems like with a higher risk pregnancy the quality--and cost--of your prenatal care goes way up...). I had a great ultrasound and both the ultrasound tech and perinatologist said they were pretty sure that it was a boy. They could clearly see boy parts, but reminded me that it wasn't a for sure thing... so I spent the next 8 weeks getting used to the idea of having a boy. I even had talked Ryan into using the name I wanted to use (more on that later) and we referred to this baby as "HIM" most of the time. Ryan was relieved that we could just use all of Coleman's old bedding and furniture and that we could get away without painting the room...

..only to be told at our ultrasound yesterday that this baby is definitely not a boy (the perinatologist yesterday said she hates it when anyone names the gender at 12 weeks because they all look like boys). It's all good... we are thrilled, particularly Olivia, although we would have been equally thrilled to confirm that it was a boy. Coleman was a little disappointed but decided that he could love her anyway...

Aside from the startling gender news... the ultrasound went well. Our babe is growing and developing right on track and there is no evidence of any birth defects or other problems. My placenta had been low-lying (close to the cervix) at my last ultrasound, but has since moved away so there is no more concern for placenta previa (thank goodness). The perinatologist confirmed that my treatment (two injections a day--which to be honest still hurt as much as they did when I first started) is working and that the bruising on my stomach will go away, but the lumpy knots that are there might not. They expect the rest of my pregnancy to be uneventful, which is a relief!

So now, I have the task ahead of convincing Ryan that the name I want for our daughter is the one that he wants too (or at least agrees to)... and choosing the color for her new room... which will at some point be turned back into Coleman's room when this little girl gets old enough to share with Olivia.... no pinks or purples allowed, but it's time to say goodbye to the animal room with primary colors.


  1. Congratulations!! Baby girls are blessings! Baby boys are blessings! Healthy families are blessings!!

  2. Hi Lisa!! It's Stephanie!!! Congratulations!!!!

  3. Congratulations!! A baby girl, what a wonderful addition!

  4. I can't wait to hear the name later on, and to meet that sweet little girl. Love the bum shot, but I especially love that cute profile!

  5. Hurray! How exciting that a) you know what you're having and b) that everything looks good. What a relief. Little girls rock!

  6. CONGRATULATIONS! So happy for you! These are the times though I wish I was closer to be there when she comes and to help your sweet family. Congrats again!

  7. Congrats! So excited to hear what you will name her....and to work on a little something for your sweet little baby. :)

  8. Yay! Congratulations on the little girl!! I bet she's going to be beautiful...just like her mom. I bet Olivia is thrilled. I can't wait to hear what names you guys come up with. And, I am excited that everything with the pregnancy is looking so good.

  9. Congrats Lisa! I'm excited to know you are having a girl. I'm also glad to know things are going well. It seems once you get to the ultrasound milestone, you can breathe a little easier!

  10. Oh Lisa, how wonderful. I have a special little thing for baby girls. So excited for you!

  11. Yay!!!!Congrats guys! I am so exited for your growing family! Love you!!!

  12. Congratulations! That is so exciting! I'm glad everything looks good too :)

  13. I think it is wonderful! She will be beautiful just like the other two (only maybe this time she will keep her brown hair).

  14. Congratulations Lisa!!!!!!! Wow, what exciting news! I was just thinking about our many pregnancy convos the other day. I'm so happy for you guys. Lots of love, Vanessa

  15. congrats Lisa! That's what we specialize in too. :)

  16. Congratulations! I am glad that things are going well. Healthy baby news is always good news, whether it's boy or girl!

  17. Congratulations! We are loving having a little girl in our home. I hope that everything continues to go well for you and your family!

  18. CONGRATS>>>GIRLS are so fun!
    I hope that the rest of your pregnancy is BORING!!!!!
    PS..I won Ryans contest. I was going to buy it anyways. He really is a great photographer you are so lucky to have him with that awesome talent!

  19. I knew it! I knew it was a girl! :) that's so exciting!!!! we are so super happy for a new niece!! YEAY!!

  20. YEAH!!!! A healthy PRINCESS. We are thrilled for you guys!

  21. Wahoo! We're so happy for you guys! I'm so glad all is going well.

  22. your comment was a surprise and then I had to come see!

    WOW, I'm so excited for you Lisa. Have fun decorating! Paint is a pretty easy change down the road, isn't it? So I say go as girly as you please! :o)

  23. Wonderful news Lisa! Congratulations. How exciting to know what you are having for sure and know everything is going well.


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