Thursday, November 12, 2009

Got glasses?

Another fine parenting moment for Lisa...

When school started they held a vision screening for all of the students... and Liv told us they had her go to a re-do line, but we never got a letter or further explanation or anything stating that her vision was less than perfect. I told her that they would have told us if something was wrong or if she needed glasses, even though she said she had a hard time seeing things far away.

Then Olivia started complaining a month or so ago that she was having a hard time seeing the chalkboard in her classroom. She said she had to keep squinting and that she was getting headaches from squinting so much. I told her to stop squinting.

A few weeks later we attended Olivia's presentation for her 3rd grade music class... she spent a good amount of energy squinting to try to find us in the crowd (and another good amount of energy going back and forth from the many percussion instruments she was playing... we need to sign this girl up to learn to play something new... hopefully I'll post pictures and more on that later).

Ryan and I decided we needed to take her in to get her eyes checked...

...wouldn't you know it? She really did have a hard time seeing things far away and she needed glasses.

She was so excited that she was right.

And that she got to pick out glasses.

She was devastated that it was going to take a whole week for them to be made.

She went back and forth... should she tell her friends? Should she just show up at school and see if anyone noticed? If she told one person would they tell everyone else? She even wrote on our "Thankful Wall" several times about her glasses.

When I got home from work tonight she was so excited to listen to the messages just in case there was a message saying that her glasses were ready. There was one such message.... so right when Ryan walked in the door, the two of them walked right back out the door and went to pick up her glasses. She was so excited to finally have them...

...and I must say, she looks pretty darn cute...

...and has all the personality in the world to pull off wearing glasses.

I love this girl!


  1. She told me all about her glasses, but I was sworn to secrecy. She couldn't wait to see if Jaxon would figure out what was different about her. PS- She will be cursing those glasses by the time she is 14.

  2. Lyndee got reading glasses last year and loves to wear them...but I think that she may need regular glasses now. She still loves to wear her reading glasses---too much. Olivia looks cute in glasses. I think it's cooler now than when we were kids.

  3. Totally cute! What a fashion statement! I agree with Jen, above, that it seems to be cooler now than when we were kids. :)

  4. You look darling Liv! So, so cute!

  5. Lisa, too funny........same thing basically happened with Lauren this year too. Her eyes were pretty bad. The eye dr. said she probably hasn't been able to see for awhile. Olivia looks dang cute! Glasses are so fashionable. Lots of people get them with just the glass in them, when they don't even need a prescription. She's a cutie! Also, thanks for the visit and yummy treat! We devoured it after the girls got out of school. I didn't even recognize you in your car....else I wouldn't have kept driving.:) Not used to seeing you in my neighborhood. I'm glad I got to see you for at least a minute!

  6. She looks DARLING!! Love that style. I remember being in that position and what a shock it was after I got my glasses on how clear the chalk board really was.


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