Sunday, February 21, 2010

Prenatal Photos by Ryan

Ryan took some fun pictures of me and the kids while we were in St. George... I only have a handful of photos when I was pregnant with Liv and Coleman, so this time around I wanted to make sure to get some good ones. He did a GREAT job!

Olivia was the aspiring the photographer that clicked the remote in the picture of me and Ryan... and Coleman just loved this fishy face photo and he wanted to make sure to post it on the blog.

Thanks Ry!


  1. Ahhh, those are so darling of you! You are adorable pregnant {she says jealously}! SO happy for you all! Fabulous pictures Ryan!

  2. you look great Lisa! I'm excited for you to be done giving your self injections!:)

  3. You look great! What great pictures!

  4. Darling pictures! He does such a great job! How is your pregnancy going? I assume you are due soon and will post lots of pictures on your blog for us right? Good luck!

  5. Aaaw! BEAUTIFIL PICTURES!!! Loved them all!
    Coleman did a really good job with his fishy face! i'm so excited for our little niece coming in March! YAY!!

  6. Oh, wow! Those turned out GREAT!! Just love every one of them. You look so great. I can't wait to see this cute little lady!

  7. Those are beautiful! What a treasure. How come you didn't do any where you're only draped in chiffon???:)

  8. btw the "anonymous" comment is from Shirlene:) For some reason I couldn't get it to take my comment without clicking the anonymous box

  9. These pictures aren't just "great" - they are fantastic!! What's it like living with an incredibly talented photographer?

    You are beautiful and your kids are precioso!! :)

  10. These are so beautiful! Wow you all look great and Ryan is such a pro!


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