Sunday, March 7, 2010

Finally... it's a GIVEAWAY!

My good friend Sara has just opened an Etsy shop--Simple Serendipity--where she is selling some of her fabulous jewelry... the best part of her jewelry (and I've worn and loved several things she's made for many years) is how well made and stylish it is... the second best part of her jewelry is that it's all priced at $5 or less!!! Yes, you read that right, it's all $5 or less.

Here's how it works... go to her Etsy shop (click on the link Simple Serendipity) and browse through her selection. Pick your favorite and come back here and leave a comment stating which is your favorite. Entries must be posted here before midnight (mountain standard time) on Thursday, March 11th. A winner will be chosen at random and we'll send (to any U.S. destination) your favorite item. One entry per person, please.


  1. Beautiful jewelry! I'm a huge fan of simple sage.

  2. I had two that I really liked...Simple Swirl and Simple Trendy Teal. Tough choices!!! :)

  3. WOW! She's sooooo cheap! Is this the infamous Sara White by chance? Such darling jewelry. I'm a huge fan of YELLOW right now, so I'd have to choose the simple yellow suns. They are too cute!

    Hope you're doing well with the pregnancy.


  4. SIMPLE CINNAMON....They are so pretty!
    AND yES THE GIRLS WERE BEING SNARKY WITH THE WALKER. iT WAS A BLOW UP ONE.Thanks for the birthday wish. I am in shock that I am 40.

  5. I like simple chunky brown. I need to wear more jewelry because her stuff is super cute! And super cheap! Thanks!

  6. I'm lovin' the simple red rock. She has talent, that's for sure. :)

  7. I really love Simple Black Elegance


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