Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Leprechauns Strike Again

Our annual visit from the leprechauns didn't disappoint... although one of them was almost caught red-handed (green-handed?) on the way to the bathroom to color the toilet water green. Maybe next year that leprechaun will get away with it.

Liv and Coleman were so excited about the box of Lucky Charms and the green Andes mints spread on the table.

Despite the fact that green food is not appetizing in any way, we had some green cinnamon muffins and milk. Luckily the leprechauns only got to the half gallon of milk.

Both kids love the tradition of getting a new green shirt for St. Patrick's Day.

All this green artwork is courtesy of our own artist-in-residence Coleman who has done several projects at school these last few weeks.

**Any visits from leprechauns at your house?

1 comment:

  1. I think my kids would love to be adopted into your family. Ruby declared that St. Patrick's day was not a fun holiday at all. (That because her mom doesn't do any of the cool things that you do). Sounds fun!!!


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