Monday, May 3, 2010

I'm no Angela Lansbury, but...

We came upon this building on the way to my mom's house... and wondered what could have happened to the window... Ryan pointed out the marks on the road and grass and solved the mystery... I only wonder what kind of Toyota it was!

(Post title courtesy of Stephen Colbert)


  1. I used to work in that building!!

  2. We drive by this everyday! Someone must have been driving with their eyes closed again...DUH!

  3. Ummm... Not Stephen Colbert... John Stewart :)

  4. Ryan, you're right... good thing you are around to make sure Jon gets due credit :).

  5. I drove by it tonight and my friends explained that some guy was doing around 60 when he shot through the intersection, jumped the rocks, and sailed his baby right on through. No idea what kind of car but that would be tweaked funny if it was a Prius.


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