Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Blessing Day

Our little princesa was blessed earlier this month. She was so busy being loved by everyone that came to see her that we didn't get many pictures of her by herself... so we finally put her dress back on a week or so later and snapped a few. The blanket behind her was made by her great-grandma Jan.

She was lucky to be blessed by her daddy-O.

Since we had lots of family we celebrated Miss Liv's birthday too! (This time, I used regular frosting instead of the marshmallow disaster!)

We were very happy that Terri made the long trip out to visit and be here for the special day! She helped me so much in the morning getting ready for everyone to come over--she even braved the kitchen counter (it's still mostly clean!).

Three generations... me, Sophia Madelynn, and my mom, Madeline.

Grandma and Grandpa Cole with Sophia (Sophia Mason Crook comes through Grandma Cole's line).

Grandma Jan and Grandpa Denver Harper with Sophia

Cute Aunt Kristen and Sophia

The Jelte clan (plus a few extras!)

Eliza and Stephanie with Sophia

The Dave Wilbur clan

We were so glad the Barlows could come! Tyler did NOT want to be in the photo :).

Grandma Dorothy had a dream about Sophia a few weeks before she was born--she knew that she would be healthy. You can see from this picture she has a healthy set of lungs--she was tired from all the fuss and attention (and the big poofy dress I'm sure didn't help anything).

And she was DONE. (Sorry you had to have the screaming picture, Erin, love you!)

We're so grateful for those who came and all the help bringing yummy food... it was a wonderful day!


  1. That first picture of her smiling is so perfect. What a doll! can't wait to meet her.

  2. What a blessing to have so many supportive friends and family for Sophia's special day. She looks DARLING in that dress and I love that blanket!

  3. looks like such a wonderful day! I, too, have been there with getting the actual blessing pictures days later. :o)


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