Monday, June 21, 2010

Dance Festival 2010

At the end of every school year the kids perform in a Dance Festival. I have a love-hate relationship with this event. It seems that their costume requirements are rarely things we have just laying around the house, nor are they things that we will have much use for later.

Third grade performed to "Hoe Down Throw Down" by Hannah Montana... luckily we had a bandana and she wore Ryan's Chilean cowboy hat.

The kindergartners did a dance to a Humpty Dumpty song and we had to buy some suspenders and knee-hi socks, which are surprisingly hard to find for 6 year old boys!

I love this mischievous look on Coleman's face.

Despite my issues with the costumes, Olivia and Coleman both did a great job in their dances and we survived another year of Dance Festival!

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