Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Family Birthday 2010

Some of our friends have always used their wedding anniversary as a day to celebrate their family birthday... which I think is a wonderful idea! This year we celebrated 11 years!

Cute family, eh?


  1. Happy Birthday, Harper Family!! Wow. 11 years. What a darling idea from such a darling family! Congratulations!!

  2. Not only a cute family, but what a delightful looking dessert!

  3. What a great idea! We need to celebrate a family birthday! What are those darling little stick figures made out of?

  4. Sara--the dessert is a stack o' cookies from Dippidee. How's that for easy?

    Emily--They are made of metal. 11 years anniversary is supposed to be STEEL and that's the closest I could (wanted) to come :).

  5. Happy anniversary! We did a family birthday this year too. I think it is a great way to celebrate with the kids! :) (and I smiled to see sweet Sophia asleep under the blanket i made!)

  6. Nicole... we love Sophia's new blanket :).

  7. Hurray!! I was so happy to see this post! This is my all time favorite family tradition.

    Happy Family Birthday!


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