Sunday, September 12, 2010

Seven Years!

Coleman turned seven today! I am so grateful that he is my boy. He's always happy and making people around him laugh. He is kind and sensitive and such a good kid.

Earlier this weekend he had a few of his friends over for a late night. He wanted to watch the a movie with lots of adventure, so he chose one of his favorites--"Outlaw Trail". We made pizzas and ate candy and had all sorts of wild goodness together.

To go along with the adventure theme we tried a cowboy boot on his cake. All of the episodes that we've been watching of Cake Boss got me all excited to decorate a cake. My supplies (and talents) are limited though, so I did the best I could :). He LOVED the edible rocks (thank you Win-Co) and sand (brown sugar) around the cake. Those chocolate rocks were the hit of the party with the kids and the grown ups.

I saw a cute idea in my Real Simple magazine for dynamite cupcakes... red and black licorice with pop-rocks. They did a lot of their popping when I decorated them which was kind of funny.

Coleman still loves Lego Star Wars and we found these jams for him.

Olivia wanted to play "Heavy, Heavy, Hangover" with her gift. (We did that all the time when we were kids.)

We had a fun day celebrating this cute boy's birthday!

Happy birthday Coleman!


  1. Happy Birthday Handsome Coleman! What a fun party and some darling cakes!

    And I LOVE your new header!

  2. Where have you been hiding your amazing cake skills? Wow. Let me know when you open a new shop. :)

    I love your new family picture, too!! What a darling family.

    Happy (late) Birthday to sweet Coleman. I still can't believe he's 7! Why do they have to grow up so fast?!

  3. I think you did awesome with that cake!

  4. i like the dynamite cupcakes, and they don't look that difficult!

    Not that you don't have your hands full ... but time for more pictures of the baby! :o)

  5. You did such a great job on the cake and cupcakes... you are a competitor for sure with the cake boss!! Happy Birthday Coleman!!


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