Saturday, September 18, 2010

Six Months

Just six months ago this little angel joined our family. We can't imagine life without her.

She is growing and growing (Why aren't tummy rolls and dimples on thighs cute on thirty-something women? No matter, they are adorable on her!). She smiles frequently (just not for the camera too much lately... the red-eye reduction light makes her get the "deer in the headlight" look). She rolls over (and over and over... until the couch or wall stops her). She puts everything in her mouth. She laughs spontaneously (funniest thing in the world). She's loves her sister and brother and giggles with much delight when they pay attention to her and play peek-a-boo with her. She likes to try new foods (peaches, cantaloupe, chicken, and Coleman's favorite homemade mac-n-cheese are some new additions). She loves to drink water and loves, loves, loves to nurse.

We are so grateful to have Sophia in our family!


  1. She is beautiful, Lisa, and so are you! I love all of the pictures, especially the one of you together. I also love the new family picture header. What a cute family. XOXOX

  2. Sophia is one super adorable baby! :) Time sure does fly when we don't ever see you. I'm glad you guys are doing well.

  3. 6 months already?! Wow! Ellie is 4 months today...and it's breaking my heart. Sophia is SO cute! She certainly is a Harper and she couldn't be luckier! You are such a cute Mama!

  4. she's cute! And getting so big. That is a nice picture of you two.


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