Monday, October 18, 2010

Seven Months

Our little princess is seven months old today! She likes to sit up (until she topples over) and inch forward in an almost crawl and roll all over the place and eat and make various loud and funny noises and smile and laugh and lean in to go forehead to forehead with whomever is willing to do it with her. She has a few more hairs on her head and her big, beautiful eyes are bright blue.  Some of her nicknames: Pia, So-Fun-Phia, Soph, Soph-A-Loaf, Princesa, and Reina Sophia. Her brother and sister adore her and she is enamored with them too. 


  1. Que hermosaaaa! es una princesita con los ojos mas lindos!! besitos

  2. What a delightful little girl! I still look forward to meeting her someday. Fun to see that some of her nicknames are ones we use in our house, like "Soph-a-loaf!"


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