Wednesday, November 10, 2010

We miss you Mikkie!

Sweet Mikayla,

Today would have been your second birthday! We miss you so much. We think of you every day and are so grateful that you are a part of our family. Your mom and aunts and grandma (and other family members) are working hard on a tree for you for the Festival of Trees.  We know that your memory will live on and we hope that other children can benefit from our work.  Something that your parents did at PCMC still amazes me... they donated your heart valves so that other children would have a chance at life.  I am grateful that they were generous enough to share a piece of you with people in need. They are incredible people and inspire us all with their strength and faith.  I love this picture of you from the Jammy Walk at Bear Lake this year... it shows how much you loved life and your little piggies are too cute. We miss you and love you Mikkie, you made our lives better.




  1. I will absolutely look for her tree at Festival of Trees. Every year I go, I can hardly see the trees for my tears, but I will make a special effort to find hers.

  2. What a sweet post Lisa... Sweet little Angel girl... Thoughts and prayers to your family... Happy Birthday sweet Mikkie!


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