Sunday, December 19, 2010

Nine Months

Sophia is nine months old!

She is crawling and scooting and pulling herself up. True to form, she didn't want to stay still for her photo op with the cutest ball ever. She is always on the move...

She's very helpful with projects of all kinds.

She loves to eat and has a new tooth! Her top left tooth came in first, which seems strange to me, I thought the bottom teeth always came in first?

From certain angles resembles "Sloth" from the movie "Goonies" just a little bit.... a very cute version, of course!

She doesn't love to get bundled up, but she sure is cute when she does.

We love Sophia so much!

1 comment:

  1. Just look at that beautiful and angelic smile that your little woman always has on her adorable face. How sweet is that.


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