Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Jan!

Today is Ryan's Grandma Jan's birthday! We were so excited to go and celebrate with her a few days ago. She has just completed two of her six chemo treatments for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, so she is currently without hair, but is looking great with her scarf. We thought we'd show a little solidarity and pull out some of our silly hats (we have a goofy tradition of silly hat dinners every once in awhile). We had a great visit!

 Here are Ryan and Kristen with all the kiddos (We missed Tim, Laura, and Faith who were home sick).

 Our family with Grandma...

 Scott's family with Grandma...

...and the star of the show, the decadent chocolate cake from Costco (Ryan's not bad either :) ).  Chemo has made Jan lose her sense of taste (only temporarily, thank goodness) so we were hopeful that she would be able to taste some of this chocolately goodness... she could!  We also brought her some fire hot Cheetos which were way too hot for the rest of us, but just right for her.

I love the way the kids add their own little flair to the birthday song. Happy birthday Jan!

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